David Farris

Rev. 12:11 "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death."


Me, Overland Missions, and what we do.

Join the team

Come to the nations, send me, see what God is doing.

The 12 one one

Front line testimony of God's endless love.

about me

Hello, I am a missionary to the country of Brazil through Overland Missions. I joined the team in November 2023. God has given me a passion to go to the hard places and help guide people out of the darkness and into the light of the father. Jesus came down from heaven to save my soul, and as a result I have been called to bring this good news to the nations. That Christ is King and our salvation can be found in Him.

About Overland Missions

For Christ, Overland Missions communicates the Gospel in remote places, with an emphasis on the new creation, in order to transform forgotten people, by making disciples and developing leaders. We are an interdenominational organization with the goal to "proclaim the Gospel to the whole of creation," and "make disciples of all nations," (Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19). Overland has a focus on creating disciples and indigenous leaders both spiritually and physically. We have the unique opportunity, given our resources, to travel to the darkest and hardest places on the planet to reach the one. From our numerous training schools, Bible studies, and humanitarian work, Overland works as a team to make a generational sustainable impact. For more information click one of the links below.

Join My team
send me

My job was not meant to be done alone. The Great Commission is on every believer's life. Missions is not simply a department within a church but the church has always been a department of the mission. By working together as one team, we can reach the ends of the earth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.To join my team contact me, I would love to get coffee or set up a video chat. If you already know you want to become a partner or you want to give one time, click the link below.

Join me on in the nations

Overland is accepting applicants for both short-term missions and career missionaries. Our short-term trips spearhead our long-term ministry and are evangelically focused. In 2024, over 40 trips are being offered across 15 nations. For career missions, JJ and Jane Marie Newell are training up the next generation of missionaries through Overland Missions (Advanced Mission Training). To learn more click the button below.

The 12 one one

I believe that it is our duty to share with others what God is doing, both in our lives and in the lives of those we minister to. Rev. 12:11 says, "and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and the power of their testimony". Think of the 12oneone like the 4-1-1 except with only Jesus filled information. Below you will find a link to sign up for my newsletter. If you are like me and enjoy hearing and reading about all that God is doing in the world then I encourage you to click the button and sign up. Follow me on this journey and get the 12oneone about the Kingdom of God!

Fill this out and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you and God bless!